Using a docker container such as gluetun to create a vpn connection for a seedbox is a great way to keep away your ISP prying eyes.
Using a docker container such as gluetun to create a vpn connection for a seedbox is a great way to keep away your ISP prying eyes.
btrfs is not new and had a shaky start to life. But is it now ready for the prime time and prod environments. Join my in my btrfs howto.
The Raspberry Pi Zero 2 is a great little system to put kali linux onto. Learn how to install and configure Kali on a Pi Zero.
SMBrute is a Python tool that is used to bruteforce samba user passwords for pentesting or CTF challenges.
With the Python Paramiko module you don’t even need ssh installed on the system, so it even works with windows systems.
Python shlex is an easy to turn a sting into a list or a list into a string or to safely quote system commands before they are run.
The Python Subprocess module allows you to spawn new processes and is very useful to build fast scripts to interact with System commands